Thursday, February 21, 2019

Stormy Road

In late December, we had a snow storm.  On the day of the storm, we just had to hunker down in our home and stay nice and warm.  But, the day after……

It was a pretty morning after sky looked pretty clear, so I convinced Jeff that we should take a drive and see what gifts the storm has left us……

Everything was frosty, as you might expect, but what I noticed more was the great play between line and shadows created by plants, small drifts and fence lines..

When there’s no snow, these dried blooms look really dried, dead and brown.  But, covered in the hoar frost from the storm, they look quite pretty as some delicate blooms..

Coyote fences are something that you see fairly frequently in New Mexico.  It’s very rough and coarse and I love the contrast with the almost lacy branches of the tree hovering over it.  The hint of the house in the background add a nice sense of detail..

I loved the irregular shadows created by the sun shining through the coyote fence.  It’s really amazing this type of fence looks pretty ragged, but I priced it once, and it’s amazingly expensive..

As we drove, we headed into an ice fog.  You can sort of see the beginning of the ice fog in this image.  The trees look like nature’s twins, and the fence leads us into the fogand the light.

The background of this image is a bit foggy, due to the remaining ice fog, but the sun is now making headway and I love the way the tree screens us from the over- brightness of the sun……

Look at the patterns in this image!  Fences, sun and snow come together to create these lighthearted patterns.  And, to me, there is a curiosity as to where the fences are leading.

And, finally, we’re heading back home!  We can see a brilliant sky, the mountains above another ice fog in the distance, and a small sort of shelter sitting alone in a field and the hoar frost on the barbed wire fence keeping me from getting closer to check out that shelter!


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