Sunday, August 25, 2019

Greenie Peak Drive

One day while in Red River, we decided to take an off-road route that would take us up to a nearby mountain top, called Greenie Peak.  Come along for the ride!

We love to ride on the backroads, and especially the dirt roads because we get a chance to feel like we’re truly exploring and covering new ground at least to us!  Plus, driving thru some of the forest roads puts us at eye level with the ground, since the roads were cut into the forest and mountainside!

We’re also enjoying the fold back roof on Jeff’s Jeep.  It folds back to allow the front seats to feel like we’re driving in a convertible, and that’s enough to give us some expansive views of the roads we travel on.

Greenie Peak has a flat top, enough for there to be several cars, Jeeps, trucks, etc., on it at the same time.  It was nice to see the 360 views (top image).  After stretching our legs at bit up at the top, and allowing Max to take a few sniffs, we then started down the other side, stopping to have lunch at a place called Midnight Meadows (bottom image).  I don’t know how it looks at night, but during the day, it’s quite lovely!

While traveling down the mountain, we did see a herd of cattle in the high meadows, and even got a close up of a calf with its mom.  Ironically, for all the wild animal signs we saw in the area, the only animals we saw on this jaunt were these not quite wild!!

We stopped at one point to take stock of where we were.  The image on the left is of where we’d been.  If you look closely, you can see a small patch of what looks like white in the midst of the trees.  That was the road we had been on.  The image on the right reflects were we were heading, in this case, back uphill a bit.  Again, it the small light swatch sort of in the middle of the image.  Driving through the mountains like this really helps one keep oneself in perspective how small we truly are!

There are hiking and backpacking trails throughout the mountain area.  In these images, you can see a small footbridge over a stream in the lower left area of the image on the left.  The stream runs along the side of the road and the trail seems to come from deep in the woods, emerging at the footbridge.  The image on the right shows the wooden steps that will lead the hiker from the stream up to the road.  I didn’t notice where the trail again picks up on the other side of the road, but I’m certain that it does.

Here’s a nice view of that stream I mentioned in the previous set of images.  This is a much nicer view of it from right on its shore.  Don’t let the pretty idyllic scene fool you into thinking it would be lovely to sit on the shore and dip your toes in the stream this flows from the mountain top and is icy cold!!

This is one last look that we had of the Red River Ski Resort runs from our back road explorations!  It is nice to see it from in between the trees on a mountain.


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