Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Following the Tracks

Just across the road from our campground was the Rio Grande River and the old railroad tracks that ran along side it.  I imagine that at some point, the railroad brought guests to Blue Creek Lodge, altho no indication of any sort of train station exists today…..

We began to walk on the railroad tracks that followed the river.  What lovely views of the river the people who used to ride on the train would have as they traveled to the Lodge or beyond!

We didn’t believe the tracks were used today, because truly, how could these lovely blooms grow up in the midst of the metal tracks and the wooden railroad ties?  This seems like such a lovely tribute to days gone by, in some way, doesn’t it?

Across the river from where we walked, there were a number of cabins that seemed to be privately owned - because they were so well kept.  And, if you look closely in this image, you can see a wooden bridge across the river that would allow a car to cross the creek and get to those cabins.

And, yet, there were parts of the tracks that seemed to be in very good condition, as if a train could come barreling down the tracks at any moment!  Jeff was torn about what to believe about the tracks and their use or disuse…..

What I loved were some of the hidden glimpses of the river we would see as the shoreline we were walking would become rather overgrown with shrubs, bushes and trees.  It seemed to make the river even more of a hidden jewel.

I was in awe of the environment in which we found ourselves – literally nestled in the mountains!!  At time like this, it was easy to see that was the case, and yet be blown away with the reality of where we stood!

And, here was the definitive answer as to whether these tracks were in use today.  If you look closely at the bridge that the carries the tracks across the river, you can see it’s just held up by railroad ties and other pieces of wood – definitely not something today’s railroads would say meets safety standards!!  Still, it does make for a nice feel to the image….

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