Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Barns and Other Sights in Eastern Washington State


Barns and Other Sights in Eastern Washington State

After we left Jeff’s sister’s place, we headed to the other side, the eastern side, of the state, to visit Jeff’s brother and his family.  While there, we took a bit of time to do some wandering.  We mainly found cool barns, but those weren’t the only wonderful sights we saw!

Since we were driving around in the country, we did expect to find things other than barns, and we weren’t disappointed.  Windmills out west are a favorite of mine as they speak to days gone by in a way I loke to think of them.  And, I couldn’t resist taking a photo of these cows who decided that the green grass under blue skies with puffy white clouds was just the place to take a break from their busy day!!

Flowers could also be found if one looked for them.  The image on the left is a dandelion going to seed.  I think this is one of the prettiest phases of this flower’s life.  Shortly after this, Jeff blew on the bloom and sent the seeds out to repopulate the field!  I don’t know what the flowers are in the image on the right, but they were growing in abundance around Jeff’s brother’s place. 

There were several barns, but this is one that stood out to me.  I love the shape of it rather non-traditional.  I also like the peak at the front of the barn.  This would be used to hoist the hay bundle up to the loft area of the barn to shelter it from the weather and have it handy for feeding the cattle and horses.

Here are a couple of other buildings in nice, green settings.  The upper left image is a bit of a lower styled barn, and the lower right looks to be more traditional, and again with the peak for hoisting hay up to the loft area.

Isn’t this a lovely barn scene?  The sky is perfectly blue and the grass couldn’t get any greener!  The barn is not a traditional style of the Midwest, where I was raised, but was somewhat common around this area.  This is a perfect country scene for a early summer day.

This charming barn was alongside a road that most likely made its way to the family home.  It seems a bit far from the house, but here it stood.  After thinking about it for a bit, both Jeff and I felt that this crayon-type drawing finish suits the scene the best.  Light and airy, like the day!

On our drive, we ended up at the top of a state park called Steptoe Butte.  You get quite the lovely view of the surrounding landscape.  I love the dappled shading on the ground, which are the shadows left by the clouds above.

This view really captured my attention.  It’s from Steptoe Butte, and we’re looking down at a small home.  What is striking to me are the contours of the area the rolling hills.  The lines in the green are where a plow or other machinery went through the land.

I thought I’d end this blog post with another view of what much of the scenery was in this area rolling green hills, robin’s egg blue skies and puffy white clouds.  Simple perfection!



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