Thursday, November 4, 2021

Max meets the Dunes


Max Meets the Dunes

One of the reasons we wanted to visit White Sands National Park was to introduce Max to one of the largest and best doggie parks we knew of!!  Now, technically, Max was to be on the leash the entire time we were there, but one look around tells you that people regularly violate that “rule”.  The trick to not getting in trouble is to Walk far enough onto the dunes so the park rangers don’t see you!!

We weren’t far enough on the dunes when I shot these, and shortly afterwards, the park rangers used their speaker to tell us he needed to be on his leash – yes, officer!  But really, who could keep this much joy tied up??

Isn’t this a handsome boy of a pup? For a brief moment, when he was deciding which way to run, Max struck a pose!  It only lasted for a second!! LOL!!

Oh, he saw me while running around and just had to come by (at full speed) to say hi!!  We have thought from the very beginning that Max was a very happy pup – and here he gets to be exuberantly happy!!

I really like this image of Max on the dunes.  He almost looks contemplative, like he’s reflecting on his life….almost!!  I think it’s more likely that he’s wondering what lies down the dune and beyond!!

Max met a friend while at the dunes!!  This little pup was so charming – she (I’m assuming she was a girl) came up and kept sitting, then sneaking a few steps forward, then lying down, etc., until we decided it was ok to let him off his leash. We tend to be a bit careful when another dog comes close, but it was clear all she wanted to do was play with Max. They had a grand time, and both sets of puppy parents got some laughs just watching them racing around. And, no, Max never did catch her!!

After all that running around, Max felt like he had to just chill for a bit and catch his breath. The warmth of the setting sun helped him to momentarily relax!

At the end of all this fun, max took one last stroll around as the sun set on his fun time at White Sands National Park! He slept well that night!


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