Monday, August 1, 2022

Early July Morning


Early July Morning

I have forgotten how often I used to take my camera with me when I walked our pup, Max.  But, on this morning, I remembered and was truly rewarded!

It’s nice to walk when it’s quiet and the day hasn’t quite woken up yet.  Yes, the sun has risen, but the day seems to need its first cup of coffee!

What a lovely Mexican Hat flower standing all alone.  I’ve always loved the rich colors of its petals

This saying is so true.  I found myself looking at this image of what I think is called a Rag-Leaf Bahia.  It’s the raggedness of the leaves that makes this look a bit odd.  I couldn’t decide whether to keep this image, and then I came across the quote and thought “Of course!”

It’s the same flower, but a different quote to sort of address how small the blooms of this flower are!  They would be very easy to overlook. Thank goodness Max loves to stop and sniff, so I get an opportunity to look around…and down!

The plant this bloom is from is called an Apache Plume. This particular plant is at the front of the house, next to the hangar. I thought it seemed such a delicate shrub, and yet it produces such pretty flowers and magnificent plumes!!

Isn’t this another lovely bloom?  And the thought seemed appropriate to me this bloom may seem like a fantasy, and its beauty can transform any number of realities.

More Mexican Hats!!  This time they looked like they were dancing in the slight breeze.  Sometimes, the biggest challenge is keeping Max from checking out what I’m so interested in, and in this case, his walking by with his wagging tail added to the breeze!!

These little flowers look as if they were dried out, and yet still blooming!!  I really loved the golden tone they gave off.

Here’s another wonderful bloom from the Apache Plume just reaching out and posing for me.  How wonderful!

Here are some weed verbenas that I converted into a painting of sorts.  They are such charming flowers. 

And, with the thought of seizing the moment, I’m glad I seized the moments this morning to stop and photograph (if not smell) the flowers.  Just a few hours after my walk, someone mowed the areas at the sides of the roads I was walking on, and a lot of these lovely blooms are gone.




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