Saturday, May 15, 2021

Max on the Beach


Max on the Beach

Most days that we were on Galveston Island, at least part of the day was spent letting Max run and have fun on the beach.  And, just watching him made me smile, sometimes laugh, and truly gave me a sense of joy.  So, I’m not sure who really got the most from these visits!!

Sometimes I felt like Max thought he was just racing all the Jeeps and other cars we saw on the beach….and of course, he won all the races!!

And, when he wasn’t racing cars, he loves to play with his dad, Jeff!  I guess you could say this is Max tag, as he swerves away just in time to have Jeff miss tagging him with his cap!

For a pup who was truly fearful of the waves and water the last time he came in contact with a large body of water, he certainly has left that fear behind!!  He loved to run and splash among the waves, altho we did need to watch and make sure he didn’t decide to pick up a new toy a fish head!!

Max also loved exploring the dunes at the beach.  He was always careful to stay on the path, which rather surprised me since he’s such a boy at most other times!!  I guess he loved playing his version of King of the Hill!

At times, when Max would race around on the beach, I’d be concerned that he would accidentally put his foot into a hole someone had dug for whatever reason.  But as he showed me nothing to fear!!

And Max believes in fair play meaning, since he played with Jeff, it’s only fair that he plays with me.  The only problem is that I’m holding a camera and sometimes he has cut it way to close in the past and knocked me down.  So, when this 85-pound Shepherd came barreling toward me, it was a true test of faith to just stand there and capture his photo!  I’m not sure faith in what, but it all worked out!!

Shortly after we got Max (or, rather, he adopted us!), I commented to Jeff that Max was a true happy soul.  This was confirmed the other week, when a friend said to his wife that Max was the happiest dog he thought he’d ever seen.  You can really see just how much he loves his life and how happy he is doing the simplest things, like running on a beach!!  If you look close at the top image, it looks as if he’s smiling!  That’s our boy!!


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