Saturday, October 20, 2018

Island Paradise – Dravuni, Fiji
Our second stop in Fiji was what most people think of when you hear the word “Fiji” – a tropical island paradise!  It’s that and more!

I was very excited to step out onto our balcony on the ship and see this lovely little snippet of the island of Dravuni – the palm tree sticking up above all others (middle photo).  But, there’s more to Fiji than one island – there are over 300 islands that make up Fiji!!  I remember the number 322, but Jeff remembers hearing 330 and 340, so who knows!  Some of these islands are so tiny, they are most likely easily overlooked!

One surprise about Dravuni Island – altho it’s very small, there are about 200 people who call it home.  The small village where we set foot on the island even has its own school.  It was interesting to see that every day a ship visits, it’s a holiday from school!  The homes of the residents are painted with tropical colors to add even more charm!

Altho it was a busy day for the island residents on the day we visited, they never lose sight of what’s important – island time!

The villagers had several items for sale.  I loved the bright colors of the sarongs, but there were other handicraft all made by the natives of Fiji.

Some of the treasures are natural and are quite tiny.  One interesting thing – the red “flower” on the bottom left of the collection of images isn’t really a flower!  Look close and you’ll see it’s a green plant whose leaves are slowly changing their color.  I don’t know if it stays this way, mimicking a flower, or if eventually the leaves turn entirely red.  There was no one around to ask!

One of the tiniest inhabitants of the island are the butterflies who are very social with the flowers all around!

At the other end of the spectrum, are the giant plants of the island – the towering palm trees!  They don’t grow entirely straight here.  Sometimes their trunks have some gentle curves and sometimes, like these, they grow straight, but on a bit of a diagonal!!

Jeff and I were amazed at the landscaping art that was used by some of the villagers – giant seashells!!  Somehow, we think they don’t import these – but they must know the best section of the beach to find them.  I would imagine right after a storm would be the best time, too!

You know you are in a totally different environment when this is the main street thru the village and around the island!!  No, we didn’t walk it all the way around and up the bluff that seems to be behind some of the homes on the island, but just enjoyed the idea of this very exotic main street!

All too soon, it was time to say good-bye to this tiny piece of paradise here in Fiji!

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