Monday, April 10, 2017

The Market at Las Bovedas
Our second stop on our tour in Cartagena was at an open market, called Las Bovedas.  It was a very colorful, lively area.  Our stop there wasn’t long, but definitely worth a mention!
Nature around Las Bovedas
We didn’t really enter the craziness of the market and instead walked around the area.  We saw some nature in an area that was above the actual marketplace.  The bird is what Jeff & I call a camp robber, because it’s known for its characteristic of taking things left lying around unguarded.  The bloom was in the tree where the “robber” hung out.
The Market
Here are a couple of scenes from the actual market.  I decided to convert my photo images into paintings, to protect the privacy of people at the market, and to truly capture the festive feeling of the market.  There were lots and lots of shoppers (tourists), and there was this dancer who would pose for photos with people (for a donation) and then dance in the market.  Such a happy scene!

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