Saturday, February 3, 2018

Field of Gold
On our way back from Lahaina, we noticed this incredible field of sunflowers, just bouncing and waving in the breeze.  Of course, Jeff immediately turned the Jeep around so I could get out into the field.  I was not the only person doing this but the field was large enough that we each had our own little piece of sunflower heaven!
The breeze was strong enough so all the flowers pretty much faced in the same direction, a choreographed bit of nature!  Of course, as with humans, there’s always at least one that didn’t get the memo!
Sunny Faces
And, as I stood there, in the middle of the field, or so it felt like (actually, I was on the edge, just barely in the field!!), I was struck by how perfect each petal blew in the wind, so that they each looked perfect, regardless of the breeze!  Now, why doesn’t that happen to me when I’m in the wind??
Every Petal in Place
I don’t know why there’s this large field of these beauties.  I wonder if they are being grown for their seeds?  Or, for florists in the area?  Or, just to make the drivers happy as they are in the crazy traffic??  Any of these is a good reason, altho I like the one called “just because” best!
Little Miss Sunshine

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